When you're out on an all-terrain vehicle (ATV), you can expect to feel the wind in your face as you watch the landscape zip by! But ATV riding also can also be unpredictable: Whether it's the result of an unexpected hole or bump, a steep slope or a collision with another rider, you don't want an accident to ruin your good times. An off-road vehicle insurance policy like ATV Liability Insurance will protect in these unexpected moments.
According to the DMV’s website, “an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) is any self-propelled vehicle with two or more wheels that is manufactured for sale to be used primarily off-highway or in off-road competitions, and that is no wider than 70 inches and weighs no more than 1,000 pounds.”
In New York State, you may not operate any ATV anywhere, except on your own property, unless it is covered by liability insurance. Minimum required coverage is $50,000/$100,000 for death, $25,000/$50,000 for injury, and $10,000 for property damage in any one accident. You also must show proof of insurance upon the request of a judge, the police, or a person claiming to have suffered injury or property damage from your operation of the ATV.
Here are the coverage types available to you as an ATV owner and operator:
Liability coverage
If you cause an accident that results in someone being hurt or that causes damage to another person's property, this coverage may help you pay for the other person's medical bills or the costs to repair damage to their property.
Collision coverage
If your ATV is damaged after you hit another vehicle or another object, such as a fence, this coverage may help cover the cost of repairing your ATV.
Comprehensive coverage
Suppose your ATV is damaged by something other than a collision — fire or hail, for instance. This coverage may help pay to fix the damage.
You may not be able to rely on your car or homeowners insurance to protect your ATV. ATVs aren't covered by a standard auto insurance policy, according to the NAIC. And while some homeowners policies may help protect you when you're driving your ATV, the NAIC says they'll likely offer limited coverage.
You can reach out to our office to find out about whether your current policies offer any protection, how much and under what circumstances.
Contact us to learn more about the off-road vehicle insurance policies we offer to protect you!
Call 631-758-7225